TORA (Travel, Outdoor, Recreation, and Athletics)

TORA (Travel, Outdoor, Recreation, and Athletics)

Travel, Outdoor, Recreation, and Athletics (aka, TORA) are huge within Utah which is why Utah Money Watch provides perspective and contextual insights on all aspects of these markets regularly, but especially as viewed through a monetary lens.

NEWS BRIEF: Utah's PGR Boosts its Total Skiable Terrain by 67% as it Buys Controlling Interest in Powderhorn, its Fifth Ski Resort

NEWS BRIEF: Utah's PGR Boosts its Total Skiable Terrain by 67% as it Buys Controlling Interest in Powderhorn, its Fifth Ski Resort

According to multiple news reports published over the weekend, Park City, Utah-based Pacific Group Resorts (PGR) has acquired controlling interest in Mesa, Colorado-based Powderhorn Mountain Resort from Denver, Colorado-based Gart Capital Partners and long-time ski industry veteran, Andy Daly. Officially, no financial terms of the acquisition have been published by
David Politis
If You're a Female Entrepreneur Trying to Raise Money, You Should be at UVU Tomorrow for the 7th Annual WeROC Conference ("Women Entrepreneurs Realizing Opportunities for Capital")

If You're a Female Entrepreneur Trying to Raise Money, You Should be at UVU Tomorrow for the 7th Annual WeROC Conference ("Women Entrepreneurs Realizing Opportunities for Capital")

Fundraising Truism No. 1: Raising money is hard — really, really hard! Fundraising Truism No. 2: Raising money (if you're a woman) is awful ... AND ... really, really hard! How hard? According to data compiled by the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, "The 30-year average
David Politis