"Sound of Freedom" Continues to Surprise as it Takes 3rd Place Over the Weekend and Has Hit Nearly $125 Million in U.S. Ticket Sales

Clearly, the surprise hit movie of 2023, Angel Studio's Sound of Freedom beat out Tom Cruise and Mission: Impossible - Dead Rekoning Part One to snag third place in domestic ticket sales for Friday, July 21 through Sunday, July 23.
In less than three full weeks since its release in American theaters, the independently made and "based on a true story" feature film - Sound of Freedom - has now reached nearly $125 million in ticket sales, just in the United States.
That little factoid, courtesy of Box Office Mojo by IMDbPro, is coupled with the fact that IMDB also places Sound of Freedom in third place for ticket sales for this past weekend (Friday, July 21 through Sunday, July 23), as follows
- Barbie, $155.0 million in weekend ticket sales;
- Oppenheimer, $80.5 million;
- Sound of Freedom, $20.14 million; and
- Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One, $19.5 million

Since its domestic release on July 4th (three weeks), Sound of Freedom has now generated $124,748,584 in ticket sales.
I mean, seriously?!?!
That. Is. Astounding.
Based upon historical trends, plus the marketing muscle both studios were throwing behind both flicks, I expected Barbie and Oppenheimer to finish in 1st and 2nd place for ticket sales this past weekend, respectively
But Sound of Freedom snagging 3rd place for the weekend, sneaking by Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One?
There was NO WAY that would happen, except it did! 🤯 🤯 🤯
{AUTHOR'S NOTE: For the record, I loved the new Mission: Impossible movie, and I'd probably rank it in my Top 2 of the entire franchise.}
Given the trajectory of ticket sales, I expect Sound of Freedom will crack the $200 million barrier by Labor Day weekend, which would be simply amazing - especially since the movie is, I believe, only available in the U.S. so far.
Unfortunately, I have been unable to find out how much Angel Studios paid to acquire the distribution rights to Sound of Freedom (beyond the fact that the firm crowdfunded $5 million from its "Guild" to assist in this endeavor).
But my best guess is that by the time the movie leaves theaters, Sound of Freedom will have likely generated a return on investment (ROI) of upward of 10-to-15 times its initial investment, which would be eye-popping, especially for an independent studio.
But for now, the story continues.
And we will continue to track its unfolding.
Please visit "OPINION: Over 30 Million Reasons Why Child Sex Trafficking Must Be Stopped" to see my 5 July 2023 writeup about, and review of, Sound of Freedom. Thanks.
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