Kinect Capital Announces WeROC 2023 and Unveils the 16 Female-Led Firms Looking to Raise Outside Capital
As the seventh annual event focused specifically on female CEOs, entrepreneurs, and founders, Kinect WeROC (Women Entrepreneurs Realizing Opportunities for Capital) is a multiday conference designed to help bridge the gap between women seeking investor dollars and those looking to invest.
Kinect Capital, the former, has announced details surrounding its 2023 WeROC Conference, a multiday event slated for early September centered around helping connect female founders, entrepreneurs, and CEOs with investors looking for new investment opportunities.
WeROC, which stands for "Women Entrepreneurs Realizing Opportunities for Capital," was launched seven years ago by Salt Lake City-based Kinect, the 40-year-old venture accelerator and (the organization claims), "the most efficient, cost-effective economic development organization in the U.S."
Slated for September 5-6 in Salt Lake City, WeROC 2023 is expected to attract hundreds of attendees interested in
- Ways to make investor capital more accessible to female entrepreneurs and female-led companies, as well as
- Opportunities to watch and review 10-minute fundraising introduction pitches delivered by 16 women CEOs and/or founder/entrepreneurs at the event.

In fact, the 16 female-led companies that will present at WeROC 2023 are
- Blendyd Studios (a firm that modernizes CDL driver recruitment by leveraging AI and machine learning tools to automate low-tech recruitment practices in the trucking industry);
- Burst (a health and wellness program, and app, that makes convenient fitness accessible to all women, worldwide);
- Clear Water Distiling Co. (A distillery that colors outside the lines with fearless innovation crafts and incredible taste without being confined by standard liquor categories);
- Errand (an on-demand errand running service that is affordable, totally customizable, and easy to use);
- Galena Innovations (revolutionizes obstetrics from stagnation to innovation, addressing the needs of families worldwide beginning with preterm birth);
- Gosia Genomics (an AI-powered platform transforming women's pelvic & lower back pain prevention and management through genomics and gene expression analysis);
- Harmonious Capital Administration (the premier technology platform for managing complex business investment structures);
- Imessa Research (Next generation of nanoparticle characterization and purification);
- Light Line Medical (has developed a system that uses visible light, not harmful UV light, to prevent and treat catheter-associated infections including those caused by antibiotic resistant-pathogens);
- NXgenPort (addresses an unmet need in cancer care via an implanted port that detects infection);
- ProPlans (an innovative, easy, and effective way to manage construction plans, projects, and people);
- Proximity (designed to help good leaders become great candidates, Proximity delivers tech solutions for political campaigns);
- Reset Your Nest (provides professional home organizing and relocation services to make homes beautiful, functional, and organized);
- SimpleEnding (the most intelligent, affordable, and efficient online divorce service available, providing the highest-quality court-ready documents all from your home);
- Solution Diagnostics (empowers healthcare, one diagnostic at a time, through accessible and affordable solutions); and
- Trova Health (a first-of-its-kind global platform that empowers organizations to deliver exceptional, culturally aligned mental health care with a configurable, internationalized software platform backed by a global provider network).
According to Tara Spalding, Interim CEO and Chief Program Officer of Kinect Capital, WeROC 2023 is designed as "a catalyst for transformative change."
"(WeROC is) about empowering women CEOs, entrepreneurs, and founders with the skills and connections necessary to navigate the often challenging landscape of fundraising," Spalding said.
Day One of WeROC 2023 will be held on Tuesday, 5 September 2023 at the Thomas S. Monson Center in Salt Lake City and is centered around the 10-minute fundraising pitches that will be delivered by each of the 16 companies noted above.
Conversely, Day Two of WeROC 2023 will be held on Wednesday, 6 September 2023 at the University of Utah Alumni House on the UofU campus. This day will center around keynote presentations, financing breakout sessions, and a CEO mixer.
Additionally, there will be a separate, nine-hole, scramble-format golf tournament titled WeGolf held on Thursday, 7 September 2023 at Thanksgiving Point in Lehi, Utah.
For additional information about WeROC 2023, or to purchase tickets to attend the event, please visit the WeROC website here.
According to the Kinect Capital news release, "... female-founded startups receive a mere 2.4% of venture funding" even though women own 36% of all businesses in the U.S. Additionally, only 28% of all loans approved in 2022 by the U.S. Small Business Administration went to women-owned businesses.
Such underrepresentation, Kinect says, "... underscores the urgent need to bridge the funding gap and empower women entrepreneurs to unlock their full potential (and the purpose behind WeROC)."
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